Wednesday, April 7, 2010

have you met Chalker?
he's our pastor's son.
he's a MESS and a half.
but i love him!
we decided to play quiet water, still water.
Chalker came up with some interesting poses.

pose 1.

pose 2.

pose 3.
with dad and sister participating.
one of my fave days at the office.

Monday, April 5, 2010

we had our first annual 'eat the menu' night at chick fil a today.

clearly, ryley was excited.

we had three teams of 18 kids.
ordered a full menu (including all sides and desserts) for each time.
each kid takes one item and eats it.
first team to finish wins.

chowin' down.
the salad and dessert table.
perfect timing for chick-fil-a to introduce new desserts.

spectators in the playground.

kevin ate this entire cup of ice cream in like 2 minutes flat.
yes, he did have a brain freeze.


all the teams.

favorite thing about this photo?
check out madison.
top right brunette in the brown shirt.
that FACE!
workin' the wrap

we told kevin to chug the water...but it wasn't required.
we're just mean.

dessert table still going strong.

worst item on the menu?
carrot and raisin salad.
it got passed around to EVERYONE.
no one could finish it alone.
and with a final sip, team one - my team - won!

our whole group.
we dominated chick-fil-a

second shot.
love these kids.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

the azalea's were exceptionally pretty on easter.
they're my favorite type of bush.
i want to plant them at my new house.

Friday, April 2, 2010

when you work at a church, easter is a pretty big deal.
also a big deal, easter egg hunt.
SOME of the candy.
this is some of the disaster.
we stuffed over 3000 eggs, easily.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

i've already posted these three photos.
but i went back and edited them.
models, i tell ya. models.
taylor swift.
workin' it.
i think tantan hated this.
but i do not.
i love it.