Friday, January 29, 2010

I was driving to work with my dad when this happened...a MONSOON.
this is a park called Wuthering Heights.
as you can see, its flooded.
then it flooded the streets.
up to the door on my dad's truck.
this was just a heavy rain.
imagine what it looked like during Hurricanes Rita and Ike!

This was on the better side of the flood.
these people had no idea what they were driving into...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Friday Night Lights has NOTHIN' on PNG football.
this is my 4A high school stadium.
it seats 10,000 on the home side and 3,500 on the visitors side.
it's RealTurf...same as the NFL.
it has a live action scoreboard, a two tier pressbox, full concessions (with tv's so you don't miss the game) and more bathrooms than you could possibly know what to do with.
let me show you some other shots
there's a lot...

wide angle shot of the stadium
if you look in the background, especially the right side, you'll see just one of the refineries.
right by the high school.
L.A.'s smog is a joke.
in all her glory

sold out crowd

scoreboard...notice the 5 refineries who sponsored this...


the door our boys walk out of to play the 4 quarters of the best game alive.
left side says "THE RESERVATION, where only Indians come out alive."
The run-through.
we are the indians.
we do wear headdresses.
our cheerleaders paint two of these every week.
they're a huge deal.
they unroll it face down and then stand it up for all of us to read.
and then the stand errupt in a roar.
i'm amazed week after week.
we have the best fans.
The Marching I.
It's a tradition.
all the orange lights you see over the visitors side are refineries.
for milesssss.
Our boys' lockers.
Solid oak.
Larger shot of lockers.

Over the Stadium.
Even Jesus loves PNG Football.
view from the pressbox

the field house.
all photos after the first one credit to
feel free to head on over there and check us out.
we went 11-0 last year, til we were knocked out in the second round of playoffs by Brenham, who went to the state championship game.
it was sad to come all that way UNDEFEATED after a 3-6 season the year before and then lose.
but we'll be back again next year. :)
my shot was taken on january 28
the rest were taken during the late summer/early fall 2009

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

believe it or not. it was 73 degrees on this day.
not a cloud in the sky.
i wore bermuda shorts.
and drove with the sunroof open.
in january.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I love it.
such a great ministry.
these are some of my kids.
i don't want any of my own, so i'll claim these as mine.
here, we were getting ready to play disco chair.
its basically musical chairs, but you have to dance around the chairs...and you're blindfolded.
at the end of the game, when there were just two left, we grabbed one of the girls and drug her out of the game.
then we left Karlie alone...dancing around the chair.
then we took the chair out.
take a look...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

This is another shot from our Nashville trip.
Sara, Emily and myself.
i didn't want to cut my hair, but look how dead the ends were!
its currently 1.5 inches shorter. and i'm crying.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Okay. I'm cheating. This picture is from Jan 1.
This is Sara, myself and Emily after New Years Nashville, the benefit for People Loving Nashville.
Had a BLAST and a half.
promise we looked even hotter before. :)

And this is so me.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This is my daddy.
I love him dearly.
I can guarantee that he is way better than your dad...sorry, it's true.
he's my best friend in the world and its his 49th BIRTHDAY!!
planning a big party for next year...gonna be great.
also, sidenote, this cake belongs on
i was so mad about this cake.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

This was a total accident.
but i love it.
it reminded me of this...

which is a slide that i've used for sunday morning worship at my church.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I liked this one.
it almost looks like God was sending up a smoke signal.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm obsessed with sunsets.
you'll see a lot of them on here throughout the year.
I live in 'refinery land'
seriously, the likelihood of getting cancer here almost doubles from anywhere else.
but, because of the chemicals in the air, we get the most amazing colors in our sunrises/sunsets.
the only place that has ever outdone this was seattle at 6 am on a plane taking off in the rain. WOW!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

This is Noelle, Elizabeth and Jordan, respectively.
Jordan is my best friend Anessa's husband.
I definitely think babies have it so much easier now than i did then.
This self-rocking cradle plays your iPod.
no joke.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

And this little booger is Ledger Elias Hansing.
He belongs to my best friend Anessa & her husband Jordan.
He's not in the world with us yet...
But I can't wait to "meet" him.
(yes, i did cheat. i did not take this picture...i just wanted to share him with the world)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Meet Dane Elliot-James Welborn.
I love him.
He was born on Thursday.
He belongs to two of my dearest friends, James & Jessica.
And I feel like my life is nothing but babies right now.
But I'm totally okay with that.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I made a cake for our Longhorns Party.
Cakes are kinda my thing.
Then we lost the game...but I don't really want to talk about that...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

This is one of my favorite friends, Becky. I absolutely adore her!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Went to the Boys Varsity Basketball game. 
Went into the half in the lead.
Ended up losing the game
Meet Emily.
We're sad.
Sidenote: Emily is like 5'11"
And a HS Freshman.
And should be a model.
She's clearly bending down for this shot.
And she's GORGEOUS.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Back in in my face...I think I'm telling 2009 to suck it because the first 3 days of 2010 were already better than all of last year...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Meet Fatty McFatFat...seriously.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

At the Park, there was a memory Christmas tree completely decorated in ornaments dedicated to lost love ones. This one really got me...

Friday, January 1, 2010

Jan 1

My friends Sara & Emily (respectively) in front of the Parthenon at Cenntennial Park, Nashville Tennessee. loves it. Best way to bring in a new year is in Nashville...just sayin'...